Artikel 1 tot 76 (van de 76 artikelen).
Resultaat:1Toon 76 artikel(en)
Chess puzzle books are undoubtedly popular – and with good reason. Solving chess puzzles helps to...
Vierde deel in de serie Move by Move van Everyman chess. Cyrus Lakdawala presenteert een volledig...
Anyone who plays the Sicilian Defence as Black must be prepared to meet a whole host of options for...
Een repertoire voor wit gebaseerd op het Italiaans en de Bishop opening
Uitgever: Everyman...
In this book, Bryan Paulsen examines key lines in the Semi-Slav complex,which is hotly...
Uitgever: Everyman Chess
Auteur: William Stewart
204 pagina's
Boek voor beginners, maar...
Uitgever: Everyman Chess, 2013
Auteur: Adam Hunt
416 pagina's
Uitgever: Everyman Chess, 2013
Auteur: Adam Hunt
416 pagina's
Uitgever: Everyman Chess, 2008
Auteurs: Richard Palliser, Tony Kosten, James Vigus
253 pagina's
Every chessplayer, from beginner to world champion, loves to win a game with a brilliant attacking...
Uitgever: Everyman chess, 2013
Auteur: Colin Crouch
304 pagina's
van de...
Uitgever: Everyman chess, 2013
Auteur: Colin Crouch
304 pagina's
van de...
The Colle and London are opening systems for White starting with 1 d4. They are very popular...
Many players, of all levels, use their chess study time to concentrate almost exclusively on the...
The French Defence is a highly reliable response to 1 e4 which is popular at all levels. With the...
The Modern Defence is an important opening that can be played by Black against absolutely any White...
The vast majority of chess games witness familiar strategies and well known tactical motifs. These...
Do you want a simple and practical method to counter Black's kingside fianchetto defences after...
Uitgever: everyman chess, 2012
Auteur: Johan Hellsten
365 pagina's
This book provides a rock solid opening repertoire for Black, using systems based on the move...
The Modern Defence is an opening that will appeal to player of an experimental nature. Black allows...
The Petroff Defence has traditionally been regarded as a reliable defensive mechanism to counter...
The Sveshnikov Variation of the Sicilian Defence provides a battleground for one of the key...
These days the move 1.d4 is often used as the precursor to quieter opening choices such as the...
The Sicilian Defence is the most popular reply to 1 e4. With 1...c5 Black comes out fighting,...
International Master Christof Sielecki presents a repertoire for Black based on the Nimzo-Indian...
The English (1 c4) is a fine choice for players who like to enjoy a wide variety of middlegame...
The Grünfeld Defence is is a combative reply to 1 d4 which has been favoured by many world...
The Modern Benoni is just about the most aggressive method that Black can choose to counter...
The Sämisch variation is a powerful method to counter the popular King’s Indian Defence. The key...
The Nimzo-Indian Defence (1 d4 Nf6 2 c4 e6 3 Nc3 Bb4) and the Queen’s Indian Defence (1 d4...
The Ruy Lopez is perhaps the most classical of all chess openings. It dates back to the 16th...
The Najdorf Sicilian is one of Black’s most respected and popular responses to 1 e4. It was...
Rewire Your Chess Brain is not your average chess book. It does not deal with opening theory or...
Timothy Taylor laat zich voor zijn reperoire tegen het Siciliaans inspireren door het repertoire...
Grandmaster David Smerdon plays the Scandinavian, but not in the typically solid style of this...
How often have you seen a game like this?
The hero has no advantage whatsoever but somehow...
Uitgever: Everyman Chess, 2005
Auteur: John Emms
224 pagina's
Meer dan 10 % van alle schaakpartijen mondt uit in een toreneindspel. Elke praktische student zal...
Uitgever: everyman Chess, 2010
Auteur: Neil Mac Donald
206 pagina's
In this book the highly experienced grandmaster Milos Pavlovic outlines a powerful repertoire for...
In 2018 DeepMind published the shocking results of their chess-playing artificial intelligence...
This series provides an ideal platform to study chess openings. By continually challenging the...
The Caro-Kann Defence remains a very popular option for Black at all levels, being an opening that...
The Catalan is a solid opening system in which White combines the Queen's Gambit with a kingside...
The opponent who answers 1 e4 with an emphatic 1...c5 (The Sicilian Defence) is often looking for a...
Uitgever: Everyman Chess, 2013
Auteur: Cyrus Lakdawala
416 pagina's
A repertoire with 1...Nc6
Uitgever: Everyman Chess, 2013
Auteur: James Schuyler
A repertoire with 1...Nc6
Uitgever: Everyman Chess, 2013
Auteur: James Schuyler
Uitgever: Everyman Chess 2012
Auteur: Steve Giddins
272 pagina's
Uitgever: Everyman Chess, 2012
Auteur: Steve Giddins
288 pagina's
Uitgever: Everyman, 2012
Auteur: Sam Collins
176 pagina's
An understanding of Hedgehog structures is an essential component in any chessplayer’s knowledge....
Grandmaster Simon Williams has played the Classical Dutch for over twenty...
Uitgever: Everyman Chess
ISBN: 978-1-85744-988-4
Pagina's: 320
Taal: Engels
Van de...
The King's Indian is a hugely popular opening at all levels of chess. Rather than attempting to...
Hij is binnen!!
This series provides an ideal platform to study chess openings. By...
The Old Indian has a well-deserved reputation as a sound defence to 1 d4.
Black employs an...
The Panov-Botvinnik Attack is an aggressive andambitious way of meeting the popular Caro-Kann...
Grandmaster Damian Lemos presents a repertoire for White in the Queen’s Gambit, one of the most...
This series provides an ideal platform to study chess openings. By continually challenging the...
Uitgever: Everyman Chess, 2013
Auteur: Cyrus Lakdawala
400 pagina's
White players who enjoy playing the Ruy Lopez (1 e4 e5 2 Nf3 Nc6 3 Bb5) often expect to have an...
The Sicilian Dragon is a famous chess opening and is popular with players of all levels.
Een repertoire in het Siciliaans met de Scheveningen als keuzewapen in het inmiddels populaire Move...
Van de uitgever:
This new series provides an ideal platform to study chess openings. By...
The Tarrasch is an ambitious defence to the Queen's Gambit. Black'sconcept is an aggressive one...
Uitgever: Everyman, 2012
Auteur: Richard Palliser
304 pagina's
Uitgever: Everyman, 2012
448 pagina's
Verwacht op 25 Februari 2012
This series providesan ideal platform to study chess openings. By continually challengingthe...
It is not really in doubt that Bobby Fischer is one of the greatest (if not the greatest) chess...
Winning Chess Endings teaches endgame strategies in an exciting new way--by putting the player...
A structured approach to move selection in chess
Uitgever: Everyman Chess, 2011
Artikel 1 tot 76 (van de 76 artikelen).
Resultaat:1Toon 76 artikel(en)