'Ik was blij verrast toen John Shaw en Jacob Aagaard mij de kans boden een boek te schrijven ter...
In Attack & Defence Jacob Aagaard presents the mainprinciples of how to attack and defend in...
Quality Chess
304 pages (hardback)
Grandmaster Preparation: Calculation van grootmeester...
Uitgever: Quality chess 2012
Auteur: Jacob Aagaard
Hardcover editie
312 pagina's
Uitgever: Quality chess 2012
Auteur: Jacob Aagaard
Paperback editie
312 pagina's
Uitgever: Quality Chess, 2013
Auteur: Jacob Aagaard
304 pagina's
Uitgever: Quality Chess, 2013
Auteur: Jacob Aagaard
304 pagina's
Parmijan Negi
verwachte publicatie 18 November 2015
ISBN: 978-1-907982-57-6...
The Dutch is one Black’s most ambitious replies to 1.d4, as with 1...f5 Black creates...
The Dutch is renowned as a fighting weapon against 1.d4, as 1...f5 immediately sets up an...
The French Defence is one of the most popular and reliable responsesto 1.e4. Black invites his...
he French Defence is one of the most popular and reliable responses to 1.e4. Grandmaster Repertoire...
hardcover version
The Sveshnikov isone of the most active and dynamicvariations of the...
Grandmaster Repertoire 1B - The Queen's Gambit Covering the Slav, Queen’s Gambit Accepted, hardcover
When Boris Avrukh released his 1.d4 repertoire in 2008, it revolutionized chess opening...
Grandmaster Repertoire 1B - The Queen's Gambit Covering the Slav, Queen’s Gambit Accepted, paperback
When Boris Avrukh released his 1.d4 repertoire in 2008, it revolutionized chess opening...
Lars Schandorff’s two volumes on 1.d4 were celebrated by reviewers and grandmasters.
GM Simen...
The Dragon is one of the most thrilling chess openings and a favourite of attacking players....
Het eerste deel van Judith Polgar's schaakautobiografie vertelt het fascinerende verhaal van haar...
Key Concepts of Gambit Play is an inspirational guide for those seeking to sharpen their game and...
King’s Indian 2 is the concluding volume of a complete repertoire for Black. GM...
The King’s Indian Defence is one of Black’s most dynamic and aggressive...