Aanbevolen artikelen:
Studying rook engames gives the biggest bang for your buck, because they are the type of endgame...
Alternatieve artikelen:
There are no more than six moves in almost all solutions, so experienced chess players can analyze...
Een uitgebreidde en vernieuwde editie van dit klassieke eindspelboek. Nu met 25% extra villeine...
Originally published at the beginning of the 20th century as part of a series for chess improvers...
Meer dan 10 % van alle schaakpartijen mondt uit in een toreneindspel. Elke praktische student zal...
Rewire Your Chess Brain is not your average chess book. It does not deal with opening theory or...
The endgame is the moment of truth. It is the phase of the game where we will try to reap the seeds...