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Rook endgames are the most frequently recurring endgames and also one of the most exciting areas of...
This second-volume workbook in Davorin Kuljasevic's How to Study Chess on Your Own series is...
The Benoni is a chess opening that offers Black excellent chances to play for a win. One of the...
The Queen’s Gambit Accepted (1 d4 d5 2 c4 dxc4) has a long history and has always been...
It is amazing how much play you can create in a seemingly equal chess position - if you persevere....
The English Opening arises after 1.c4, and is a great practical weapon for players of all levels....
"Four World Chess Championship Matches: 1954, 1957, 1958 and 1963"
The writings of...
The book consists of 36 attacking games from the 21st Century divided into four...
Chess, a game that has fascinated people for centuries, has sparked debates about its...
Do you want a simple and practical method to counter Black's kingside fianchetto defences after...
In 2022 bestond Het Vereenigd Amsterdamsch Schaakgenootschap maar liefst 200 jaar. Ter ere van dit...
"Collected Portraits and Tales of a Bygone Chess Era"
"A Chess Biography"
The Russian Boris Spassky was the perfect gentleman. He was a...
The English Defence (1 d4 e6 2 c4 b6) is a dynamic, counter-attacking line, initially investigated...
The Four Knights Variation is a variation of the Sicilian Defense that most often occurs after 1.e4...
The Scotch Game is a solid opening that has been tried and tested in practice by some of the...
"An Ambitious White Repertoire for Club Players"
The Sicilian Defence is the most...
Are you ready for new strategic insights about thirty-five of the most fascinating and complex...
This book is dedicated to an opening with a century of history. It so happens that exactly one...
"A Complete Opening Repertoire for White 4.e3"
I have worked with the best, or perhaps...
This book is about the Nimzo-lndian Classica! line 4.Qc2 (also known as the Capablanca Variation}...
"The Give and Take of Chess Tactics"
Chess students love a Puzzle Rush. And solving...
Most chess biographies present the games of famous players—but not their writings. Filling...