The Catalan is a solid opening system in which White combines the Queen's Gambit with a kingside...
"A Perfectly Playable Chess Opening Surprise"The Center Game is a wonderful opening for club...
Confront the Sicilian on Your Own Terms!
In 1982, the late Ken Smith’s publishing house Chess...
The Chigorin Variation is one of the oldest variations of the Ruy Lopez first played at the Monte...
The Chigorin Defence (1 d4 d5 2 c4 Nc6) is a dynamic and provocative response to White’s 1 d4....
The opponent who answers 1 e4 with an emphatic 1...c5 (The Sicilian Defence) is often looking for a...
Uitgever: Everyman Chess, 2013
Auteur: Cyrus Lakdawala
416 pagina's
International Master Maxim Chetverik’s book covers the Bogo-Indian Defense which is normally...
The Advance Variation is the most ambitious way to meet the solid French Defence. Its popularity...
The Hedgehog is a thoroughly modern defense where flexibility and understanding trump rote...
The Hedgehog lives! GMSergey Shipov concludes his monumental investigation of this ...
1.f4 is the Bird opening. It was played by Henry Bird. He wanted to leave the mainstream and create...
The Cuting edge is een nieuwe serie van Quality Chess waar men kritiekeposities van...
The CuttingEdge is een serie openingsboeken van Quality Chess die, zoals de naamdoet raden, de...
A repertoire with 1...Nc6
Uitgever: Everyman Chess, 2013
Auteur: James Schuyler
A repertoire with 1...Nc6
Uitgever: Everyman Chess, 2013
Auteur: James Schuyler
“The Dutch Defence is a diamond in the treasure box of modern chess openings.”
An opening idea that will knock many White players off their feet!
Former Russian Chess...
€21,95 €15,00
The Taimanov Sicilian is a chess opening widely played at club level and a favourite of...
In het eerste deel van deze serie van drie over de Entgelse opening behandelt Marin zijn eigen...
In het derde deel van deze serie van drie over de Entgelseopening behandelt Marin zijn eigen ...
Uitgever: Everyman Chess 2012
Auteur: Steve Giddins
272 pagina's