The Elephant Gambit is perhaps the boldest opening in all of chess theory. By meeting 1.e4 e5 2.Nf3...
The Caro-Kann Defence has become one of the most important and popular replies to 1.e4. Its...
A Complete, Solid and Flexible Chess Opening Repertoire for Black & White – with the...
Uitgever: Chess Stars, Herdruk 2012
Auteur: Nikita Vitiugov
ISBN 9778-954-8782-86-9
The French Defence provides a good choice for players who want to create a dynamic, unbalanced...
Uitgever: Everyman Chess, 2012
Auteur: Steve Giddins
288 pagina's
The English Opening (1.c4) is a popular choice at both club and master level, because it is a chess...
Viktor Moskalenko’s bestselling books The Flexible French (2008) and The Even...
Sharpen your sword!Puzzle king Bill Harvey presents 237 violent positions from 15 gambit ...
Het mocht even duren, maar nu hebben we ook wat. Dit lang verwachtte boek blijkt namelijk twee...
Het mocht even duren, maar nu hebbenwe ook wat. Dit lang verwachtte boek blijkt namelijk twee...
Het mocht even duren, maar nu hebbenwe ook wat. Dit lang verwachtte boek blijkt namelijk twee...
An understanding of Hedgehog structures is an essential component in any chessplayer’s knowledge....
In the last five years we have been observing a noticeable trend of the chess elite to evade the...
The Hippopotamus Defence is just what a club player needs. It’s a straightforward and...
In this book Raja Panjwani presents the hyper accelerated dragon. He demonstrates from the second...
With the seemingly bulletproof Berlin Wall and Marshall Attack continuing to thwart White’s...
In this, the second book in his two-volume work, GM Martyn Kravtsiv shines the spotlight on the...
Most chess openings have been around for centuries; the first book on the Ruy Lopez was written in...
Grandmaster Simon Williams has played the Classical Dutch for over twenty...