The Ark has always been considered one of the theoretically-heaviest defences in meeting the Ruy...
This book is dedicated to an opening with a century of history. It so happens that exactly one...
This book’s journey began on the first day of January 2018 when one of my New Year resolutions...
The Caro-Kann Defence, long renowned for being a solid and reliable defence against 1.e4, is...
"Second Revisited and Extended Edition"I have returned to my book from a few years ago, to an...
My aim in this book is to show that the Delayed Benoni is equally as attractive as its cousin, the...
Finding the right opening against 1.d4 has always been a difficult task. Keeping the balance...
You can hardly find a more unconventional idea than pushing your g-pawn 2 squares down the board....
The Winawer variation of the French Defense is reached after 1.e4 e6 2.d4 d5 3.Nc3 Bb4. This is one...
I have played absolutely everything against 1.d4 from the Slav Defense, Queen’s Gambit, Benko...
For more than a hundred years, nothing threatened the leading role of the Spanish Opening among the...
“Above all, the Averbakh is a very rewarding opening. White’s piece development follows...
Although known for a long time, the London started to catch up in popularity just in the last...
“Over time, my attention focused on the Modern Benoni. In this opening, the bishop on g7 is...
The positions arising from the Open Spanish contain ideas so different from the usual Ruy Lopez...
But Inigo, how can this be good for Black? It was the first thing I asked my good friend and FIDE...
But Inigo, how can this be good for Black? It was the first thing I asked my good friend and FIDE...
"You can't play the Queen's Gambit with Black any more" said Hector, in a bitter...
My aim was to write a book which would be helpful to players of all strengths, from club player to...