“The Ruy Lopez is such a classic opening that never gets old. Regardless of what you already...
"A Complete Repertoire for White"
While writing the forward to the first volume of...
I rarely use the name Semi Slav to describe this opening, I prefer to call it the Meran due to...
The Dutch Defense is an old opening. A seriously old opening. So old, in fact, that in large part...
Structure of the book
I wish I could describe an opening just in words, but that’s...
Bruno and I met for the first time more than 30 years ago, but only rarely since then, Bruno being...
Wie zich nooit aan het semi-slavisch heeftr gewaagd blijft doorgaans verweg van Botwinnik enof...
This book is a follow up to 'The Safest Sicilian' and offers a double Taimanov/Kan...
The Najdorf Variation of the Sicilian Defence, named after the great PolishArgentine grandmaster,...
This book is about the Nimzo-lndian Classica! line 4.Qc2 (also known as the Capablanca Variation}...
"A Complete Opening Repertoire for White 4.e3"
I have worked with the best, or perhaps...
The Nimzo-Indian Defence has been one of the most trusted defences against 1.d4 ever since its...
Hij is binnen!!
This series provides an ideal platform to study chess openings. By...
The Old Indian has a well-deserved reputation as a sound defence to 1 d4.
Black employs an...
"An Ambitious White Repertoire for Club Players"
The Sicilian Defence is the most...
Uitgever: Quality Chess, 2013
Auteur: Victor Mikhalevski
384 pagina's
Uitgever: Quality Chess, 2013
Auteur: Victor Mikhalevski
384 pagina's
The Panov-Botvinnik Attack is an aggressive andambitious way of meeting the popular Caro-Kann...
The Petroff Defence has traditionally been regarded as a reliable defensive mechanism to counter...
Een nieuw, uitgebreid en diepgaand repertoire voor zwart tegen 1.e4. De Petroff, in Nederland ook...
The Pirc is more of a counterattack than a defence: Black allows his opponent to occupy the centre...