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In the Grandmaster Repertoire – 1.e4 series, Indian superstar Parimarjan Negi presents his own...
The Chigorin Defence (1 d4 d5 2 c4 Nc6) is a dynamic and provocative response to White’s 1 d4....
Uitgever: New In Chess, 2013
Auteur: Zaven Andriasyan
256 pagina's
The English Defence (1 d4 e6 2 c4 b6) is a dynamic, counter-attacking line, initially investigated...
The Nimzo-Indian Defence (1 d4 Nf6 2 c4 e6 3 Nc3 Bb4) and the Queen’s Indian Defence (1 d4...
When Axel Smith was chasing his final Grandmaster norm, he decided he needed a change in his...